Monday, June 8, 2015

EYE OF THE CRICKET by James Sallis


*Book 4 of the Lew Griffin series*

James Sallis's books are usually pretty short so you'd think I would be blazing through them. But they're so densely written and realized that it forces you to take your time while reading. This one is probably the densest of the existential Lew Griffin detective series so far. In this, the 4th book, we return back to the 90's section of Lew's life (so essentially a sequel to book 2, Moth), where Lew is not only searching for the missing brother of one of his students, but also is struggling with the sudden appearance of his doppelganger, a homeless man claiming to be him, and what it could mean in the search for his own long lost son.

I had the hardest time reading this book out of the other Griffin novels, as it felt more uneven and unfocused than the others, and it was difficult to get  a grasp at what was going on and what it all meant. I did like how this installment found Lew really trying to atone for many things that he regrets in his past, trying to make things right in so many ways. But don't start with this one. You shouldn't start with this anyway because it is absolutely necessary that this series be read in order, as it demands full attention of the reader across books to recall characters and situations, and the enjoyment of the novels are based on a frame of reference created by the previous ones. The series itself is a rich experience but this volume is the most maddening...

1 comment:

  1. One of the problem for BD team was there spinners were not working any more. Other team knows now BD'S strength and weakness. so same kind of slow and lower pitches are not giving any kind of advantages to BD's support . i see after spin coach Saqlain resign there was no luck with BD spinners like gazi, razzak, shakib not producing enough wicket taking deliveries. there secret become ease for opponents. One of the BD's strength was lower order Nasir batting. When he was new to international cricket he was unknown to opponents. Now opponents know his strong point and weaknesses. So i will urge BCB for producing better quality domestic cricket with better pitches. If players can perform in worst situations then obviously they will do better with any situation at any parts of the world.

    India vs Bangladesh 2015


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