Tuesday, January 31, 2017

DESPERATION ROAD by Michael Farris Smith

Michael Farris Smith's second novel is a graceful character piece that explores a steady collision course in the lives of a handful of damaged souls in rural Mississippi.

The book moves at a deliberate pace and takes it's time, but this is all in service of the real standout, which is Smith's command of character. With thoughtfulness and an elegant precision, he paints a canvas of characters who are individually beautiful in their flaws, but even more engaging as an ensemble.

There's Russell, who, released after spending eleven years in prison, has discovered that the world he knew has moved on without him, Maben, who was born under a bad sign and searching for some way out of her hard luck life, and Larry, who's desperately looking for someone to blame for all of his problems.

It's a powerfully written novel about repercussions, tragic coincidence and owning up to mistakes in order to move forward. I read an Advanced Copy of this provided by the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review and I definitely recommend it.


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